Tuesday, November 16, 2010

As predicted....

I didn't think it would happen this fast.

I was on the phone in my office when I saw and heard another huge chunk of the roof fall.

That final section looks pretty solid still.  Guessing it will last a while longer yet.

Monday, November 15, 2010

First snow, beauty and sadness.

Well, we got our first snow of the year, and like most early season snows it was very wet and heavy.  It's beautiful to see the farm with a covering of white.  The beauty is touched with a hint of sadness as another large section of the roof of the barn succumbed to the weight of the snow.

While I know it has to get worse before it gets better and it's safer to let nature do the work, it still hurts.

This shot is the back side of the remaining section - and I'd say it won't make it through winter either.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Land Hurricane

The barn did sustain some damage in the wind storm last week.  Shingles were spread all over the yard and a another section of roof sagged in a bit.

I also got the safety rope hung up in the silo to make it safer to climb up for various jobs.

Optimistic for the future but it's going to get worse before it gets better.